My Everyday

Hey you. Thanks for taking part in our disposable camera project. As a reminder, My Everyday is about capturing your day to day through your lens. You have the creative freedom, so do you! Going to a show? In your studio working on something new? Planted somewhere cool?
Take a picture! To get started,
check out our styles and fill out the form below.  

Our styles


The form


What's Next

When your roll is done and you're ready to ship your camera back, go ahead and use the shipping label we included in your package. Once the camera has been received, you can expect to have your photos emailed to you within 2 weeks time.
Thanks again.
We're excited to see what you capture!
🫶 Your friends at Tailored Union
20% Savings

20% Savings

Choose any 3 styles.
30% Savings

30% Savings

Choose any 5 styles.