Tailored Union X Sayre

Tailored Union X Sayre

Jul 10, 2024Galilea Reyes

Meet Breanna Mayes, Director of Marketing and Sales at Tailored Union and founder of Sayre Permanent Jewelry. Born and raised in Corona, California, Breanna’s academic journey at the University of California Riverside laid the foundation for her career. Soon after she was drawn to San Diego’s cultural vibrancy and coastal beauty, which captivated her to make the city her permanent residence.

Tailored Union collaborated with Sayre during a recent photoshoot, adorning models with Sayre’s jewelry, perfectly complementing their socks. This synergy between the two brands highlights Breanna’s exceptional talent for blending artistry and business acumen. Sayre’s commitment to high quality, affordable jewelry has set her brand apart in a competitive market. Sayre’s Jewelry is designed to withstand the demands of everyday life, from intense workouts to hot days on the beach. Each piece celebrates mental clarity, and the everyday moments that make life special. 

What measures does SAYRE take to ensure the quality and longevity of its jewelry?

At Sayre, quality and longevity are our top priorities.We go the extra mile and take measures throughout the entire jewelry making process to ensure that every piece meets our high standards. From the outset, we meticulously source materials from trusted vendors who align with our values, ensuring the quality of the components used in our creations. Additionally, our welders diligently craft each piece, paying close attention to detail and using proper welding techniques to enhance durability. By prioritizing craftsmanship and quality assurance, we strive to deliver jewelry that not only meets but exceeds our customers' expectations and has resulted in repeat and referral business. Funny story, one customer told me that she felt as though she cheated on us by going to another jewelry company to get a permanent necklace, only to return unhappy with the quality and fit. We were able to fix both of the issues!

What aspect of the creative process resonates most with you?

Personally, I really enjoy the hands-on aspect of making jewelry from start to finish. I started off designing pieces that I wanted for myself, and seeing them come together from raw materials to finished products is very satisfying.

What's a behind-the-scenes aspect of running SAYRE Jewelry that people might be surprised to learn about?

One of the surprising behind-the-scenes aspects of running Sayre is how I learned to weld permanent jewelry. Instead of taking formal classes, I took a more DIY approach! I spent time watching instructional YouTube videos, scheduled a video call with a welding professional, dove into the instruction manual and searched for any reading material for tips and tricks. I honed my skills through trial and error practicing over and over until I got it just right. I can now say, practice made perfect! 

Can you draw parallels between the creative process behind SAYRE Jewelry's designs and those of Tailored Union's?

From my perspective, both Sayre and Tailored Union share a similar creative journey. While our products are different, the process of developing styles and collections for seasons or core lines resonates. One particular aspect of Tailored Union’s process that I find inspiring is their collaboration with artists to enrich their line. Looking ahead to 2025, I aspire to collaborate with female athletes to create a collection that embodies strength and reflects their unique stories through Sayre Jewelry.

Balancing the roles of founder/owner of SAYRE Jewelry and Director of Marketing & Sales for Tailored Union must be quite demanding. How do you manage your time effectively to excel in both positions?

Balancing my roles requires diligent time management and delegation. During the first year, it was challenging to juggle the workload between the two positions. However, within just under a year, I was able to hire two amazing women to work with me at Sayre. Their assistance has been invaluable, allowing me to distribute my energy across different aspects of the brand and avoid burnout.

To manage my time effectively, I employ several strategies on a daily basis. These include time blocking, tackling the most difficult tasks first thing in the morning or during designated time blocks, setting aside uninterrupted periods for focused work, and maintaining a list of top tasks for both the day and the week. Additionally, I'm currently working on improving my time management skills by implementing habit stacking. This technique involves layering new behaviors onto existing habits, and I'm eager to explore its potential for enhancing productivity in both of my roles.

Can you highlight any collaborations or partnerships SAYRE has participated in?

Collaborating with local businesses has been an exciting part of the journey. We've had the opportunity to partner with some amazing brands like Pvolve, Firehouse, Gone Bananas, and Bobbi Rocco. As a local and someone who has been a fan of these San Diego businesses, seeing these partnerships come to life has been surreal. These collaborations not only allow us to reach new audiences but also foster a sense of community within the San Diego scene. 

How does the vibrant artistic community in San Diego inspire and influence the design of SAYRE Jewelry?

The artistic community here in San Diego has had a big impact on my designs. Interacting with people at local markets has given me invaluable feedback. It's a constant exchange that helps me create pieces that resonate with what people are looking for and what they love.

How would you describe your personal style?

Living on my boat in San Diego for the past eight years has definitely shaped my style. I lean towards a minimalist wardrobe with classic pieces and enjoy sprinkling in a bit of bohemian and vintage elements when I can. 

What advice would you give to aspiring jewelry designers looking to nurture their own creative process and develop their unique design voice?

Figuring out your own creative process is part of the fun. I'm still learning and evolving myself, and that's the beauty of it—constantly refining your designs, learning new techniques, and finding your unique style.

What advice would you give to aspiring jewelry designers or entrepreneurs?

My advice to aspiring jewelry designers and entrepreneurs is simple: go for it! Embrace the journey wholeheartedly, leaving any doubts behind. I have gotten the chance to speak to other jewelry business owners and one thing we have all had in common is having the feeling of imposter syndrome at one point or another along the journey. Knowing that imposter syndrome may rear its head, rely on perseverance and passion to carry you through. 

Where do you envision SAYRE Jewelry in the next 5 years?

While the future of Sayre is not set in stone, I'm excited to see where it will go in the next five years. My focus is on staying open to new opportunities and continuing to grow and evolve as a brand. Collaborating with female athletes is a goal that's close to my heart, and I'm hopeful that we'll be able to make that dream a reality in the near future.

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